3 tips to help you finish a book you

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3 tips to help you finish a book you

3 tips to help you finish a book you
It seems like everyone is in the business book writing business these days. Nowadays, it's true that many successful entrepreneurs have a tendency to develop in the literary field.

Alas, too many aspiring writers come into this with enthusiasm but after a while their fervor cools off, and what's left in front of them after that? Maybe a couple dozen rough pages and a table of contents.

Managers talk about such problems all the time.

An experienced writer knows how hard it can be to write a book. It's normal and it happens a lot. There are ways to get around it. That said, for aspiring authors, it's not so easy.

Here are a few hints that will give you a way to get rid of such problems and find new joy in your book. You might even be able to make it a bestseller.

1. Before you write the whole book, write a hundred posts on your blog

Writing an entire book can be really hard work. There's nothing worse than writing 40,000 words (more than half of a business book) and eventually giving up.

Writing a book is first and foremost about endurance. In any endurance sport, you have to start small and gradually train and learn to conquer new heights

Blog posts are what training is all about

Short posts, 400-600 words, will get you started on your book and finish it. Then you'll move on to something more serious. Writing blog posts is not like writing a book, which is like holding you captive until you finish it.

Once you can handle your initial phase, increase your word count to a thousand. Make it a point to blog one article at a time and sooner or later you'll have the discipline to work on something bigger.

2. Guarantee Readers

It's unlikely that you'll get rich after a business book. People who have made some serious books from their literature likely already have great money through their business.

Money is a motivating factor, but the main thing should be the feeling that you are teaching people something new and they enjoy reading your book.

That's quite a bit more motivation than money. After all, you get the money as soon as the person buys the book. But if he likes the book, you will realize that your professionalism is recognized by other people, who will recommend reading this book to their friends. This will bring you not only money, but also moral satisfaction.

This knowledge helps to keep you motivated in hard times

Building your audience through your blog is one way you can do this. You can also write your own book to distribute as supplemental material to your courses or business training. This is something that many people do.

3. Work with a qualified book writing coach

There are many sports coaches out there. Some are bad, and some are so talented that they continually bring great new athletes into the world.

A good coach is more than just a coach. He is a real mentor on your path. He doesn't just teach you how to keep running with the ball. He teaches honor, respect for your opponents and yourself, and how to never give up.

A good coach can change a person's life

Teaching writing is really hard work. It takes hundreds of thousands of words, sleepless nights, and many books read before you can call yourself a serious writer. That said, it's important to keep learning and not to stop there.

The first steps in any endeavor always need good support from your loved ones. Many people regret that they did not have someone in their life in time to help them with their problems and advise them how to do better. 

Everyone works differently and some people need more time than others. You always need to gain new knowledge and realize that your path is probably even more valuable than the book you write.

Books come and go, but your skill - stays with you all your life.
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