Argosy University, 980 Hammond Drive Suite 100 Atlanta, GA 30328 United States, Atlanta, Georgia

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Argosy University

Company Name: Argosy University
Status: This location has Closed
State: Georgia
County: Fulton
City/town: Atlanta
Post: 30328
Address: 980 Hammond Drive Suite 100 Atlanta, GA 30328 United States
Phone: (888)671-4777
Fax: unknown
Email: unknown
Web site: unknown
Review: Colleges & Universities, College of Health Sciences - Atlanta Campus, Public Health (MPH)

Degree Offered: Public Health (MPH) Format: Campus
Program Description: End your search for a Public Health degree program at Argosy University, Atlanta. The Master of Public Health (MPH) degree program at Argosy University, Atlanta is designed to prepare you for possible careers in the field of public health. This Argosy University, Atlanta master’s degree program in Public Health is designed to provide healthcare and other professionals with an understanding of the public health sciences, population-based research, and the community practice of public health. In addition, you will have the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills that can be used in healthcare policy development and management. The Argosy University, Atlanta Public Health program is designed to prepare its graduates for leadership roles in a variety of private, public, and regulatory agencies, in for-profit and not-for-profit health organizations, and in health services research. The Public Health degree program seeks qualified applicants with clearly identified career goals that are consistent with the anticipated academic preparation. Accreditation: .

Financial Aid Offered: No
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Argosy University

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