American Professional Institute, 1980 Riverside Dr, Macon, Georgia

U.S Universities and Colleges List of United States Universities, Colleges, Campuses, Tuition and Expenses

American Professional Institute

Company Name: American Professional Institute
Status: Active
State: Georgia
County: Bibb
City/town: Macon
Post: 31201
Address: 1980 Riverside Dr
Phone: unknown
Fax: unknown
Email: unknown
OPE ID code:2266200
Web site:
Review: Type: Private for profit
Level: Less than 2 years (below associate)
Full-time Students: 1462
Student to Faculty Ratio: 20:1
Carnegie Classification: Not applicable- not in Carnegie universe (not accredited or nondegree-granting)

Tuition Fees

Undergrad Application Fees: $25

Student Enrollment System

Undergrad In-State Fees (/yr): $14553 Required Fees(/yr): $100
Undergrad Out-State Fees (/yr): $14553 Required Fees(/yr): $100
Recommended: Yes: 0 No: 0Click here to Inform about a mistake 12 Rating:

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