Gods Bible School and College, 1810 Young Street, Cincinnati, Ohio

U.S Universities and Colleges List of United States Universities, Colleges, Campuses, Tuition and Expenses

Gods Bible School and College

Company Name: Gods Bible School and College
Status: Active
State: Ohio
County: Hamilton
City/town: Cincinnati
Post: 45202
Address: 1810 Young Street
Phone: unknown
Fax: unknown
Email: unknown
OPE ID code:2220500
Date Approved:2003-02-11
Web site: gbs.edu

Tuition and Expenses: Gods Bible School and College

Sector: Private
In-State Tuition: $4,980.00
Out-of-State Tuition: $4,980.00

Students and Campus Stats: Gods Bible School and College

Total Students: 285
Full-time Students: 217
Part-time Students: 68
Religious Affiliation: Other Protestant
Accreditation Year: 2008
Size: Small
Historically Black? No
Gender: Coed
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